Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Montana Tobacco Quit Line Launches *NEW* Behavioral Health Program

The Montana Tobacco Quit Line is excited to offer a new program to help persons with behavioral health conditions successfully quit tobacco.

In Montana, tobacco use among those with behavioral health conditions remains high compared to the general population. According to the 2020 Montana Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, the smoking prevalence is more than two times higher among adults who reported frequent poor mental health days compared to those who did not (30% versus 14%, respectively).

Tobacco users who have a behavioral health disorder are also at an increased risk for nicotine addiction and dependence, codependent disorders, and premature deaths.

On July 1st, 2022, the Montana Tobacco Quit Line launched a new behavioral health program for participants who self-report a behavioral health condition and need help quitting all forms of tobacco products. This program comes in response to the rise in tobacco users who experience a behavioral health condition, with more than half of quitline callers reporting at least one condition and nearly one in three callers reporting multiple behavioral health conditions that impact cessation.

“People with behavioral health conditions use tobacco products at rates two to four times higher than the general population. However, research suggests people with behavioral health conditions want to quit and are more successful at quitting when they have intensive support that helps to cope with mood and stress. By participating in the behavioral health program, they’ll receive this needed support,” states Nicole Palmer, the local Tobacco Education Specialist.

The behavioral health program provides added support to the general Montana Tobacco Quit Line program by offering participants the following benefits:

• 7 scheduled telephone coaching sessions, that focus on developing and practicing coping skills to manage stress while quitting.

• Specially trained tobacco treatment coaches who understand behavioral health conditions.

• 8 weeks of FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) with combinations of a patch, gum, or lozenge.

• 3 months of FREE prescription cessation medications like Bupropion.

• A personalized Welcome Package including educational materials and the industry-renowned My Quit Journey© workbook.

• Added services to supplement telephone coaching, including customized email and text messages, online chat, and interactive online resources.

Quitting tobacco can be hard but it can also be one of the most important things tobacco users who experience a behavioral health condition can do to live a healthier, longer life. The new behavioral health program is here to help those with a behavioral health condition successfully quit tobacco. To get started, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit to enroll.


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