The internet is all abuzz about a recent video showing Chef Gordon Ramsay saying it's "oven time" and "yummy yum" to a lamb he's selected to eat.
Why is this so funny, to me at least? Because of its timing, as we finish the Madison County Fair and move on to the Jefferson County Fair.
Each year hundreds of 4H club members select, raise, and then sell their animals - with most buyers intending to slaughter and eat them. Bidders come from far and wide to see whose animal will weigh the most and look the best - and eventually, taste the most delicious.
The internet is up in arms about a CHEF selecting his meat is hilarious to me. This man cooks for a living! OF COURSE he wants the most succulent-looking lamb for his meal! Don't we do the same when we select our cuts of meat, which have been pre-butchered and packaged for our convenience? Granted, my family butchers all of our own meat. Do I want to see it before it is a carcass ready to be piece-mealed? No, not necessarily. Cows are cute. But cows are also delicious.
Where am I going with this? Nowhere, I suppose. I'm just waking up to the fact our nation prides itself on farming and ranching, but maybe not all of us realize where that filet mignon or BBQ rib actually came from.
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