Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 8/10/2022

Dear Jo,

I was brought up in a fairly strict household, but ever since I moved out of my father’s house, I have progressively gotten better! The further I distance myself from said household, both geographically and spiritually, the more my status as the black sheep of the family appeals to me. I don’t mean to completely cut off any part of my family, but is it wrong to enjoy the hell out of my chosen identity?!

The Black One

Dear Black Sheep,

Listen to your inner wooly voice! You know what is right and what is baaaaaad for yourself!

Signed, Jo

Dear Jo,

My hair has always been very dark. I recently bleached my hair and now it is almost white. It’s been quite a shock to my system each time I look in the mirror, but honestly, I’m more upset at my dog’s response to my new do.

I don’t think he even noticed! This was a huge change - does he even care? Does he think I am a different person or does he know that I am still me? Does he still think I am beautiful?

Upset with His Response

Dear Upset,

We are talking about a dog here, right? Not a HUMAN loved one? I’m a little concerned that you are worried about what your pup thinks instead of whether or not YOU love your new hair! Your pup loves you regardless of what you look like - however, they may be a little off-put by the bleach smell if it is still lingering.

Worry less about what others think and more about how you feel;. Be you!

Signed, Jo


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