Mayor Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh started off the August Town Council meeting, held in the Town Hall, by dispelling a recent rumor.
“The Town did not kill the Rotary Fish Pond’s fish. It is sad that it happened, but the Town did not have anything to do with it,” she said. The Rotary Club Fish Pond, which turns 100 years old this year, housed fish throughout the summer. Late last month it was discovered the fish were deceased as the valves inside the pond were manually turned off.
Town Clerk Allissa Christensen said that the Town’s IRS issues had been resolved, all besides the taxes for 2017. A total of $24,110.94 in delinquent taxes had been paid; a total of $22,726.56 in penalties had been forgiven.
Public Works Director Kory Klapan said that millings from the highway replacement project were not available, as the road had not been leveled two inches as expected. Because of this Yellowstone Trail, Paul Gulch and Viella will be chip sealed instead.
Councilman Roy McBride reported that the Whitehall Rec Complex committee was working on a vision plan to make the area a more viable complex with addition fields, public use areas, and more.
“Right now it is not acceptaIt is not acceptable the way it is now,” McBride said. “There’s a lot of land that could be used better, with less maintenance and more efficiency.”
McBride said that there are several grants the Town is looking into, as well as changing the governing committee to elected officials.
During public comment, Stanley Olsen, of 401 East Second said he received a letter from the Town citing he was in violation of Town ordinances due to a dead/deceased tree in his yard. While Olsen has plans to remove the tree upon recovery from a Memorial Day accident, he did state that he believes his tree is a “decadent” tree, which has not been “adjudicated dead” of which the Mayor also has one on her property.
During discussion regarding the Town budget and Capital Improvement Projects, it was noted that more information, including the mill levy dollar amounts, was needed to make an educated decision. A special budget meeting will be held on Thursday, August 11 at 2 PM with Town Council members to finalize the budget. A special public meeting on the budget will be held on August 29 as well.
• 18 tons of hot mix was used to patch roads around town in recent weeks.
• Christensen is looking into county ARPA grants and the possibility of a pool or county recreation levy.
• The Council voted down a request from the Whitehall Saddle Club to renew their lease on the rodeo grounds for 26 years, specifically because their current lease does not expire until 2024 and the Rec Committee is working on a new vision for the complex.
• Development permit and business license fee schedule was amended.
• Mountain Horizons Subdivision plan for zoning/variance was discussed in public meeting.
• Max Maintenance business license was approved.
• Mark Sinclair - fence, approved.
• Austin Patritti - fence, approved.
• Steven Hill - addition to structure, approved.
• Expedition Church usage of the Legion Park 8/19 and 9/16 from 5 PM - 8 PM.
• Circus Fantastic will be at the Rec Complex on 9/4.
The next Town Council meeting will be held Monday, September 12 at 7 PM.
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