Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 7/27/2022

August is always the month we take off from programming after summer reading so the August calendar will be lighter than normal. There will still be Story Time and book discussion groups along with a few other programs. The staff will spend August planning the Fall Programming schedule, cleaning the stacks, and getting ready for our crazy September to start up.

I will be attending the Montana Library Convention which will be a great time to learn new things about just about every aspect of the library world. This year Montana is hosting a tri-conference with the Mountain Plains Library Association and the Pacific Library Association. There will be people from all over the country in Missoula for a week of learning and networking. I hope to gather a host of new programming ideas, as well as share the different things we have done here in Whitehall. If you absolutely need to talk to me just let the staff know and I will get back to you as soon as I can. The meetings are all day and evening so it might take a little while for me to get back to you.

This week ended the Summer Reading and Feeding programs. The last lunches will be served on Thursday at 11:30 AM. It was a unique opportunity to help many children in Whitehall have a hot and tasty lunch for eight weeks. I always feel so fortunate that the Library and the Whitehall School have such a great relationship and can do so many things together.

I am pleased to announce our own John Moulton is the newest member of the Jefferson County Library Board. The Friends were sorry to lose him as president, but the county has gained a thoughtful and experienced board member. I look forward to working with him in this new capacity.

If you have any questions about fall programs or have suggestions for new ones, please stop by theLibrary and share your ideas.


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