Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Connecting Point: Decision Time

Most readers are familiar with the name Timothy McVeigh, and to remind you, in 1995 he was convicted for the Oklahoma City bombing. What many of us forget is that the prosecution’s case against McVeigh had no eyewitness testimony. However, the circumstantial evidence was clear: Fingerprints on a sales receipt for ammonia nitrate, clothing and ear plugs that implicated him, a knife containing chemical evidence matched to the truck used; Ryder rental agent’s testimony of McVeigh renting the

truck. Strong circumstantial evidence convicted McVeigh.

Is there strong circumstantial evidence for the resurrection of Jesus? We must remember first-century eyewitness accounts recorded in credible resources from that time period, both Christian and secular. Outside those historical accounts, two major factors provide circumstantial evidence: the substantive growth of the early church and the intense persecution of Christians. If Christianity is based on a lie or hoax, one would logically think the movement would fade and die. But, Christianity, both institutional and personal, remains perhaps the strongest religion on the face of the Earth.

Biblical scholar J.P. Moreland said, “The disciples died for something they believed was true, they died for something they actually saw with their own eyes.” He is referring to the resurrection of Jesus; this event provided a catalyst for the Gospel to spread around the world. Just after Christ’s death, the disciples scattered in fear. They grew emboldened and passionate starting three days later when they saw Jesus. Most if not all of the twelve would give up their lives being faithful to Christ.

There have been other “messianic” personalities in history but none like that of Jesus Christ. No other person has been written about or has such a long history of followers. History records that humans become strengthened because of the nobility of their cause, and account after account of early Christians put them in this class. The life of those in the early church wasn’t easy, and the disciples were poor. They left their families for long periods of time to travel around preaching that Jesus was the Messiah. Many Christian leaders were crucified, some requesting to be turned upside down, as to not take away from Christ’s death; they felt unworthy to be crucified in the same manner.

Seldom do you see a skeptic become a passionate follower unless something was true. Paul before his conversion had a pretty good life. Why would he throw all that away? He describes the great cost of following Jesus, “I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day on the open sea, I have been constantly on the move…I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked,” (2 Corinthians 23-27).

Maybe you are skeptical of all this “Christianity stuff?” I would encourage you to have an open heart to Jesus and his claims. The decision to follow Jesus is simple, not rocket science. Asking forgiveness for your sins and recognizing him as your Savior is a decision for a lifetime.


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