Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Whitehall Garden Club News - July

The July 6 WGC social time began with a delightful arrangement of snacks provided by Barbara Lien and Laura Horn. The tortilla roll-ups, along with muffin egg quiches and a sugar cookie "pizza" covered with strawberry cream cheese and topped with a variety of berries were a delicious segue to the WGC business meeting.

Feeling quite fortified and ready for business, Jayne Dean, Vice President called the meeting to order. She welcomed club member Mary Baughn's visiting twin sister Madeline, also a Master Gardener/Master Judge and writer from the Washington area to our meeting along with a new member, Alan Boe. Jayne then read a letter from absent member Dorie Westhoven, reporting on the success of the WG Club's garage and plant sale, thanking the many members who made the day so successful and thanking the community for supporting the WGC. Glenna Waltee presented the "Circle of Green Thumb Award" to Dorie Westhoven recognizing Dorie's dedication to the town of Whitehall and all things green. Glenna also revealed other awards the WGC had received from the State of Montana Garden Club Federation. What a proud and yet well-deserved moment for all!

The different County Fairs and other upcoming events were discussed, so be sure to check your local newspapers for those dates. It's the most marvelous time of the year for activities!

Speaking of marvelous, WGC member Kathy Hatch introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Jack Kirkley recently retired from UM Western and avid ornithologist among other types of "ologies," too. Dr. Kirkley has led many groups all over the world to "bird-watch" along with exploring the regions.

Dr. Kirkley discussed the beautiful hummingbird, telling us that there are over 300 species of hummingbirds, but they are located only in the Western Hemisphere. The Eastern side of the US has only one hummingbird species while Montana has seven different species, but with three rarely seen. The further south you travel on the North American connecting to Central and South American continents, the more species you'll find. (Don't look for any in Florida. Amazing!!)

There are many, many interesting facts to report about this incredible tiny bird (did you know that the hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backward?) But luckily there are many hummingbird books to help you learn and research if you are interested. We thank Dr. Kirkley for coming to the WGC, and educating us on such a special little member of the "Trochilidae" bird family commonly known as the hummingbird.

A reminder that all of the WGC educational segments are open to the public. Watch for the article put in the Ledger the week before the meeting.


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