Many hands make light work! While Whitehall's Frontier Days Event is brought to you by the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce, it takes a community of volunteers to make the event seamless and successful. Interested in helping? Check out where we need help the most:
SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: King Lear kicks off the Frontier Days week on Monday, July 18. Gold Junction Presents (GJP) and the Whitehall Chamber are currently seeking three sponsors at $300 each to bring MSIP to Whitehall. Also, GJP could use a hand setting up the event tent on Sunday on Main Street Green. (Sunday, July 17 @ 3 PM)
RODEO: Seeking 3-4 ticket takers at the front gate to escort VIP sponsors to seats, etc. Also, seeking sponsors - see ad below for sponsorship levels. Contact the Chamber 287-2260. (Friday, 6 PM)
HYDRATION VOLUNTEERS: Seeking helpers to give out water throughout the event to those in need, especially those in vehicles waiting while the parade completes. (Saturday, 11 AM - 4 PM)
PARADE: Seeking runners from Country Store to announcers booth when entries come in. Alo, seeking parade entries! Get creative- show us Whitehall's Wild West! Contact the Chamber 287-2260. (Saturday, 11 AM)
CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT: The Whitehall Booster Club is having difficulty finding volunteers to run the tourney. If you are willing and able, please contact Bobbi Wagner at 287-7982. (Saturday, 12 PM)
CHAMBER BBQ: Looking for assistance serving meal. Also, several strong volunteers to help move picnic tables throughout the park area. Contact the Chamber 287-2260. (Saturday, 12 PM)
TRACTOR PULL: Seeking two strong-armed assistants to help pull the tractors back and forth for the kids at the end of each race. Contact the Chamber 287-2260. (Saturday, 1-4 PM)
TALENT SHOW: Seeking an MC for the Gold Junction Presents Talent Show at the Main Street Green. Also, seeking participants! Do you have a talent you'd like to showcase? Sign up today! Contact the Chamber 287-2260. (Saturday, 3 PM)
LIP SYNC CONTEST: The WHS Drama Club will be hosting the First Annual Lip Sync Contest as a fundraiser for the 22-23 Drama season. Seeking participants to come costumed and ready to have a great time! Cash prize for the winner! Let's have some fun! Contact Liz Pullman at 406-498-3807. (Saturday, 3 PM)
CLEANUP CREWS: Help us make the cleanup game go quicker! Friday Street Dance location before 8 AM on Saturday; Rodeo cleanup before 10 AM on Saturday; and Town cleanup Sunday at 9 AM. Contact the Chamber 287-2260.
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