Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Ledger Looking Back 25 Years: July 2, 1997

July 2, 1997

The Jefferson County Commissioners extended the engineering contract for construction of Whitetail Road and planned to begin road construction in the summer of 1998. The commission made the decision at its June 25 meeting in Boulder. This would enable construction of the approximately $3 million road project to begin in the summer of 1998. Plans call for paving about 1.5 miles of Whitetail Road beyond the overpass, and to chip seal another 8.5 miles north toward Boulder.

Whitehall was home to Montana’s only custom manufacturer of jet boats, more specifically the business was located at the residence of Ken and Dale Bahr east of Whitehall. Ken, who was a mill operator at Golden Sunlight Mine, began building jet boats when his own personal search for a jet boat to purchase could not be satisfied. He completed construction of five all-welded aluminum jet boats, sold, and delivered them from American coast to coast.

About 70 Whitehall area residents helped Whitehall State Farm Insurance agent Chuck Buus celebrate State Farm’s 75th Anniversary with an open house on June 27 at Buus’ office at 15 West Legion. Buus, a Minnesota native, had been a Whitehall resident for 27 years, and had been selling insurance in the Whitehall area for nearly three decades.

The Whitehall Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) voted to request the Whitehall Board of Trustees to approve a Kids on Character program for the new school year of 1997. The Kids on Character program featured community discussion and facilitated meetings geared toward students, parents and community members. The program, employed in about 50 schools, was designed to provide information and education about basic core values such as respect and responsibility.

It was Whitehall #1 against Whitehall #2 for the farm league championship, and #1’s solid pitching, strong defense and big bats paved the way for their 14-3 victory in Whitehall on June 28. Both Whitehall teams won a pair of games over Butte opponents to earn the right to play in the championship game.

Whitehall Volunteers of the Week were Joyce Janacaro and Ilen Stoll who continued the momentum of Spring Clean Whitehall into the summer. Ilen and Joyce helped spur landscaping projects at the Whitehall library and town hall. Several volunteers worked with Joyce and Ilen on the projects and they, with Ilen and Joyce, were the Volunteers of the week.


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