Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Congratulations Gary Buchanan

Dear Editor,

Congratulations Gary! Having collected signatures from over 13,000 registered voters in our 40 county Eastern District, Gary Buchanan, Independent, will be on the November 8th general election ballot. It’s a four-way race. An “R”, a “D”, an “L”, and an Independent.

What did we learn from these 13,000 Montanans? First, voters are disillusioned with party leaders throwing accusations at one another, like a ping pong game, trying to score points.

Second, voters feel, with justification, that the parties have been captured by extremists, denying voters a voice of moderation in the general election.

Voters signing Gary’s petition did so for three reasons. First, people who knew and worked with Gary were eager to sign. They mentioned character … honesty, integrity, and an “ability to get things done.” Second, people believe Gary, an Independent, will bring a respected voice of moderation to the ballot. Third, people are impressed with Gary’s record of public service. He’s served six Montana governors, Republicans, and Democrats alike. He was the first director of our Montana Department of Commerce, Chairman of our Board of Investments, and Chairman of our Board of Crime Control. In short, of the four candidates voters will choose from on November 8th, Gary owns the strongest record of public service.

Honesty, integrity, and moderation. Montanans will be proud to have Gary Buchanan represent us in our new Eastern District.

Dave Ashley

Reprinted from Helena IR by request


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