The winning side in a court case usually has the
preponderance of evidence on its side: eyewitness testimony, clear detail of either innocence or guilt, and corroborating
evidence and exhibits all assist the jury to determine its
decision. We hope that truth comes to the surface. But,
speculation is only guesswork. “Truth,” said Stephen Vincent Bennet, “is a hard dear to hunt.”
The New Testament Gospels have outside support from history itself. In fact, accurate accounts had been building within the Greek culture for more than 300 years. This fact provides much credibility to claims of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. If Jesus was a myth like some skeptics assert, then such sources would not exist or at least they would purport him as a myth. Jesus of Nazareth is an actual person from the historic record.
Robert Robinson, author, and apologist, astutely states, “According to the United States Library of Congress, we have just over 20,000 documents written by Abraham Lincoln, from 1833-1916. The documents that describe the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which have survived time and decay, are 24,593. We know more about Jesus of Nazareth and the events surrounding His life than we do the 16th president of the United States of America.” There are in fact, over 100 references to Jesus Christ from non-biblical sources, including Roman, Jewish, and Greek documents.
Josephus, the Jewish historian wrote about Jesus stating he was a “wise and virtuous man” who had a large following of Jewish and other nationalities. He speaks candidly about Christ’s crucifixion under Pilate in addition to multiple reports of Jesus appearing to witnesses following his resurrection.
Josephus also makes mention of the claims about Jesus being the Messiah—the fulfillment of the Jewish prophets.
Tacitus, a first-century Roman Senator confirms Christ’s crucifixion under Pilate. He even writes about Christians being hated, some tortured and put to death.
Suetonius, another first century Secretary to the Roman Emperor Hadrian writes about the disturbances in Rome being due to Jews persecuting anyone who believed in Jesus, particularly a Jew who converted to Christianity. He certainly didn’t agree with those who followed Christ, he viewed such a belief as “dangerous superstition”.
These three contemporaries of the First Century add credibility to the Christian faith for us in the 21 st century. Those who claim there isn’t a historical Jesus, fool themselves.
Now as to the claims of Jesus being the Messiah—this question continues to be raised today. It’s a good and worthwhile question. Some will choose to believe wholeheartedly that Jesus is the Son of God, the Son of Man. Others will deny his existence and his claims. That decision is given to each of us,
so it is vital we examine the historical record.
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