Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Look at Criminal Violence not Gun Violence

Dear Editor,

The lengthy letter in your issue of June 8th contains a lot of statements about guns. Some of them seem pretty fictional to me.

Here is a fact: In 2021 Chicago had 797 homicides. Chicago has about the strongest laws against private gun ownership of any place in the USA. In 2021 the state of Montana had 50 homicides. Montana has one of the highest rates of private gun ownership in any of the 50 states of the USA. Montana is also one of the states whose laws allow the most freedom to keep and bear arms.

I have been around guns practically all my life. I have never seen a violent gun yet. Talking about “gun violence” is ridiculous. Let’s talk about the real issue---criminal violence. There are lots of violent criminals. Criminal control would do more good, and there are plenty of laws already on the books which are not being vigorously enforced. Chicago has perhaps 3 times the population of Montana. Chicago had nearly 16 times as many homicides as Montana last year. Where would you rather live?

Terry Murphy

Cardwell, Montana


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