Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

What's Next After Primary Election: Jon Stone Goff

It's hard to say whether politics are in my future since I never considered politics in my past, even the recent past, like the last three months. I've never had any interest in politics and still do not. I realize that's an odd statement to make considering my attempt to become a county commissioner.

For me, it was never about entering politics. It was about getting behind the curtain of government to better understand it and then acting accordingly within constitutional confines and principles. I believe in government but there is a critical distinction between proper government and improper government.

With that said, I may have lost the primary election, but I gained an education. As I mentioned in my previous article and at the local forum, that education came from entering "the enchanted forest" of the Montana Code Annotated but to reiterate, what has proven even more instructive has been the deciphering of the county's annual financial report. There are stories in there that need to be better explained and shared. This is where my attention will be directed for the next chapter of this journey for me. I still want clarity and how I share that clarity with you is yet to be determined. Regardless, there is no turning back now that the process has begun.

However, what's next truly falls to us all, all citizens and voters of Jefferson County. Historically, there has been little to no attendance at the weekly commission meetings, or the public hearing required by law for budget approval. There tends to be no real-time comprehension, therefore no accountability, of what the state legislators are voting on every two years that affects our county government. This needs to change. We all have a role to play and a greater responsibility than what we have exercised so far.

Lastly, we have two years to decide if we want to pursue the constitutionally granted Voter Review process. I don't know enough yet to know if it's a good idea or not, but it should at least be considered as a window of opportunity that only comes once a decade. In a nutshell, we have work to do.

For those of you who voted for me, I would like to make a request. Please email me,, so I can personally thank you for your confidence and trust. And in your email, if you feel compelled, include what is most important to you regarding how you are being governed at the county level. Knowing that will be helpful for me in figuring out what I can do to assist in that interest going forward even if its nothing more than meeting up for coffee and finding some clarity together.


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