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Connecting Point: A Skeptic Meets the Savior

Our society is all too familiar with court cases. Just panning recent history, people were more interested in a possible sex scandal instead of judicial review when Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court. More than a summer consumed all the networks when OJ Simpson stood trial for murder. Recently Johnny Depp won against his ex-wife, and I don’t care.

Now, seriously, as a third-generation follower of Jesus Christ, I encourage people to carefully examine the Bible. One can view it much like a court proceeding; collect the claims, examine the evidence, and draw a reasonable conclusion. There are various avenues to pursue including the authority of the Bible, the genesis of life, and humanity’s purpose. Most of all, I’d like to consider one vital question. Who is Jesus?

Author Lee Strobel isn’t your typical born and bred Christian; in fact, he describes himself as an atheist on a journey to prove Christianity wrong. For a better part of his career, Lee was a legal editor for The Chicago Tribune, scrutinizing evidence and examining the facts was his passion. His wife began to attend church, catching his attention. He did not oppose her. But in time he too went to church “to prove this cult wrong.” This sent Strobel on a two-year journey of research and study only to conclude that Jesus was in fact real, acknowledging his need for Christ’s saving grace.

In Lee’s book, The Case for Christ, Investigating the Evidence for Jesus, he naturally started with a close analysis of what various

scholars have uncovered regarding Jesus. The historical evidence of Jesus' existence is strong and compelling but it’s his claims that have always brought question. Philip asked of Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us,” (John 14:8). At that point, Christ’s response is quite clear, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father,” (John 14:9). Later after Jesus was arrested for blasphemy and false testimony, he was questioned by the high priest, “I adjure you by the living God, tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God,” (Matthew 26:63). Again, Jesus riles the religious leaders by claiming to be the “Son of Man;” this draws sharp criticism and rebuke because they understood his comparison to be saying he was in fact, The Messiah. “The Son of Man” occurs over eighty times in the New Testament. One hundred fifty years before Christ was born, the Prophet Daniel refers to the Messiah as the “Son of Man,” stating that all authority, power, and worship will be given to him.

Is it any wonder why the religious elite was so angry with Jesus? His claims to be the Messiah are clear. We too need to take his claims and draw a conclusion as well. If you’re skeptical take time to consider the evidence. Josh McDowell another biblical scholar, shares a similar background with Strobel. He says, “Jesus was either a liar, lunatic or Lord.” He too found Jesus to be his Savior. What about you?

“Growing up,” it has been said, takes a lifetime. Preconceptions, and misconceptions, we deal with through life. In light of the confusion of modern times, I know I was right to choose Christ quite some time ago now.


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