Dear Jo,
Ugh! My sister is so protective of all of her things! She literally hates it when I snag a couple of pieces of popcorn!
You are not allowed to touch her cards during a game and don’t even dream of taking a drink of anything that is hers! I, on the other hand, have very few protective instincts. It can cause some issues.
How do I get my sister to relax her boundaries just a hair?
Loves Sharing
Dear Sharing,
Leave your sister’s stuff alone! If I was her, I would have to give you a good butt-kicking!
Signed, Jo
Dear Jo,
My friend likes to dance. I mean, really, really likes to dance. Sitting in a restaurant and there is music? There she is, wiggling in her seat singing under her breath. Go to the grocery store and try to focus? There she is, wiggling her butt as we go around the store. She simply moves to whatever music is within hearing distance.
This girl is not subtle either. When I say wiggle, I mean she has her bootie moving, she is singing, sometimes her arms get going, and then things are in danger. How can I let her be herself and yet encourage her to tone it down a bit?
Dancing Fool’s Friend
Dear Dancing,
Your discomfort is really your issue, not your friend’s. Get on board and move your booty, too! You will make her day, and yours too!
Signed, Jo
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