KEEPING: Two weeks ago I can honestly say I thought there would be no newspaper for the week. I was on my deathbed. Actually, I was on the floor of the Ledger office, with my screens angled to the floor, hoping I could get the paper laid out before the next wave of nausea and gut bombs overcame me.
All I could think was, “I wanna go home!” But in the back of my mind I kept asking myself, are you really going to be the reason that, for the first time in 39 years of publishing, there is no Ledger this week? And I said NO! Influenza A be damned, that paper was getting to the printers on time and that’s all there was to it.
Not sure how I pulled it off, but I did - with the help of many concerned texts and friends checking in on me, and my husband being very supportive. Also, I will be training someone in the near future on how to lay the paper out - JUST IN CASE that ever happens again!
CHANGING: I’m certain that all of the Class of 2022 parents will be disappointed to see no graduation section in this week’s paper. Unfortunately, the tradition of having the grad section out prior to the ceremonies is being changed a bit, as I still do not have most of the senior class member’s information.
Senior parents - help me out! We can’t lose this tradition! I fully intend on running all of the information I have, complete or not, for next week’s paper. But with such a small graduating class, together we should be able to get everyone’s information into this special keepsake! Contact me!
BREAKING: As word spreads, miscommunications happen. Whitehall Frontier Days is NOT being rescheduled. It is July 22-23, 2022.
HOWEVER, organizers had to make a tough decision and have broken tradition by changing the Whitehall Frontier Days Rodeo to Friday, instead of the usually scheduled Saturday rodeo. There will be street dances on both nights, and the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce is working on rearranging the schedule of events to be heavier on Saturday, due to no rodeo. So mark this on your calendars!
And remember, volunteers are always needed. Contact the Chamber to assist in making these tough decisions for these community-minded events. at 406-287-2260 or
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