Dear Jo,
I just want to be me. That does not seem like it should be difficult for someone to accept. I am really fun (just ask me), intelligent, thoughtful and maybe a bit crazy. I like to be outdoors, like art, and exploring.
Why is it that people just have to point out what they feel you need to change? We are all unique, thankGod. How do I tell people that I like myself just as I am and do not need any “pointers” on how to live a better or different life in their opinion?
Just Right
Dear Right,
Two options. First one, tell them to stick their not-welcome opinion where the sun don’t shine. Second, ignore and live your best life your best way. You sound very happy to me. No adjustments needed.
Signed, Jo
Dear Jo,
I have a family member (a female) who is so attractive, funny and driven to succeed.
I have a problem, though; she has black chin hair and refuses to do anything about it. I have told her, gently, that a simple quick tug with tweezers would solve the problem. She always refuses, saying that she likes the natural look. Ugh, awful!
Hairy issue
Dear Hairy,
Although a hairy chin is not very attractive to you (or me to be honest). Your sister apparently feels like letting her hair chin wave in the wind is her thing. Let her!
Signed, Jo
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