Dear Editor,
Jefferson Valley Sportsman’s Association urges all Jefferson County voters to vote for the continuation of the existing three (3) mill levy for the Jefferson County Weed Control District. Unless reauthorized by voters during the June 2022 primary election, the mill levy will sunset on June 30, 2022. This mill levy provides funding for herbicides so county residents can purchase herbicides at a reduced rate. It also funds weed control along county roads and other county properties like the fairground, baseball fields, and rodeo grounds. It funds biological control, public education, and applicator certification.
If you are new to Jefferson County or do not have an agricultural or land management background, you may not be aware that noxious weeds and other invasive species can cause severe economic and ecological problems if they are not managed. Noxious weeds typically out-compete native plants for soil nutrients, water, and sunlight. Rangelands dominated by noxious weeds have less forage for elk, deer, and livestock. Some noxious weeds are poisonous to cows, horses, and other animals.
Ranchers and land managers have seen that when a noxious weed control program is not maintained, the weeds quickly re-establish themselves and cause detrimental effects. Jefferson County has significantly fewer problems with noxious weeds than many other counties because of its sustained comprehensive weed control program.
Voting for the three mill levy for Jefferson County Weed District is not a vote for a new tax. It is a vote for continued management of noxious weeds in Jefferson County. For hunters, anglers, and other outdoor enthusiasts, voting for this mill levy is a vote for fish and wildlife. Please vote for the three mill levy.
Don Drake
President Jefferson Valley Sportsman’s Association
Whitehall, Montana
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