Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Why Do I Want to Be Jefferson County Commissioner?

I was born and raised all my life in Corbin, MT, which is in Jefferson County. I'm very familiar with the geography of Jefferson County, including the roads and highways.

I graduated from Jefferson High School in Boulder, MT. I received an associate degree in Criminal Justice from the United States Air Force. I also graduated from Leadership School in the United States Air Force, graduated from the Montana Law Enforcement Academy, and the Montana Coroner's Association and have continued law enforcement education and emergency medical technician training for the state of Montana.

In the past, I served on the Jefferson County DUI Task Force as Chairman. Currently, I'm active in the Jefferson Valley Search and Rescue as Captain, and Trails, Parks and Recreation Committee as Advisor from JVSAR.

I've also attended numerous County/Committee meetings.

After serving twenty-plus years already for Jefferson County, I retired from the Sheriff's Office. I then realized that this wasn't for me as I still had a calling to continue my involvement with the citizens of Jefferson County for common goals and leadership.

As Jefferson County Commissioner you represent ALL the citizens of Jefferson County with impartialness and in their best interests.

There isn't any personal agenda or anyone else, but "We the People!" Everyone's opinion matters, even though there may be a difference of opinion. Therefore, we can all come to a conclusive decision that will work for all.

With all the Jefferson County citizens being involved, and in support of my elected position, "We the People" can come to a common goal that we can all agree upon.

Therefore, with all of us being a team, we can accomplish common goals together, and not just myself, as one County Commissioner's agenda.

Remember, "Actions Speak Louder than Words!"

I can be reached on Facebook at "Dan Hagerty for Jefferson County Commissioner" and/or via email at


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