Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Support for Weed District Mill Levy

Dear Editor,

As election/voting time comes upon us again, I encourage everyone to get informed and get out and vote! Voting is an important privilege and way to participate in our community. Another way we participate is by our tax contributions. As frustrating as it is to see how much it costs to survive these days, we are faced with making choices on mill levies in June. For your consideration is the Weed District Mill Levy.

Over most of my life I have been learning about land management. Noxious weeds have been an arch-enemy of mine ever since my dad taught me what they looked like! I have also watched counties like Lake and Missoula become completely overtaken by noxious weeds. The loss of native grasses and plants negatively impact food for wildlife and domestic animals. Having a community which is educated and proactive in helping prevent the spread of these weeds is key to their management. Every summer we spend hours upon hours spraying noxious weeds. We are covering not only private land, but public land and county roads as well. With increased traffic there is a guaranteed increase in weed pressure. I have been buying chemical through the county for many years. It has been beneficial to have some of the cost absorbed by this taxpayer money. So I thank you! I take pleasure in making a small dent in the noxious weed problem in our area.

We have a great county and with continued dedication by all of us we will stay that way! Please consider voting yes for the continued financial support for noxious weed management and education through this mill levy.

Sarah Salsbury

Whitehall, Montana


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