May 1, 1997
Trojan Educator of the Week was Mike Welsh, a PE instructor at WHS. Mr. Welch, who has been with the district for three years, was nominated for his excellent PE and weights programs, as well as relating well with students. Mr. Welch enjoys weightlifting, hunting and fishing. He and his wife have two children, ages 16 and 12.
Trojan Student of the Week was Candy Raisor, a freshman at WHS. She was nominated because of her caring, cooperative attitude and for doing more classroom work than necessary. Candy is the daughter of John Raisor and enjoys horseback riding and tinkering with cars.
Trojan Athlete of the Week was Kietra Mabbott, a Trojan trackster and sophomore at WHS. She had a first-place finish in the triple jump and placed in the long jump last weekend. Kietra is the daughter of Brent and Sandi Mabbott and plans to major in medicine in college after graduation.
Dick’s Department Store, a longtime presence in downtown Whitehall, will be closing at the end of June. Dean and Crystal Robbins, owners of the store for the past three years, have decided against selling the store or renewing their license.
Spring Clean Whitehall was a community success. Some numbers from the effort include 38 refrigerators to the landfill; 225 gallons of oil turned in; 30 gallons of usable latex paint brought in; 950 free seedlings available for Whitehall residents to plant; and 5 (all) Whitehall civic or service organizations that helped during the cleanup.
May 7, 1997
Trojan Educator of the Week was JoLynn Fleege, an elementary school aide. Mrs. Fleege, who was nominated by Mrs. Thronson, works in the cafeteria and visits with many Whitehall students on a daily basis. Mrs. Fleege’s hobbies are playing the piano, baking, and being with her family. She and her husband have three children.
Trojan Student of the Week was Carla Poxleitner, a junior at WHS. She was chosen because of her improved writing skills and for being a “model” English student. Carla, the daughter of Jim and Denise Poxleitner, enjoys raising Angus cattle and reading. She is active in basketball and band and plans on going to college.
Trojan Athlete of the Week was Megan Strom, a junior at WHS. Megan is on the tennis team and was selected because of her “exceptional performance at the Boulder Invitational Tournament.” She is the daughter of Don and Judy Strom and enjoys biking, hiking, and knitting. Her future plans are to attend college and travel the world.
Whitehall will elect a new mayor on November 4, and possibly as many as four new town council members as well. Whitehall Mayor Neil Gallagher told the Ledger he won’t be seeking re-election to another four-year term. Gallagher, who served two years as a councilman before his election to mayor in 1993, said for personal, family and, to a degree, professional reasons, it is simply time to step down. The mayor isn’t the only one stepping down. Taken as a whole, up to four of the six council members, and a new mayor will report to new offices when the town council meets in January 1998.
Dave and Colleen Holt at Holt Home Makers Real Estate are expanding their sales staff and branching from a focus on large land tracts to residential, homes with acreage, ranches, and recreational property. The Holts have over 20 years of real estate experience and have been in the Whitehall area for 22 years.
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