The drumbeat of war is sounding loud and clear. All the atrocities which are occurring in Ukraine are deeply troubling; certainly Russia, specifically Putin, is demonstrating to the world his self-interest. Ukrainians have fled in droves, while others are losing their lives standing up to the Russian military. Sadly, many people of various nations are suffering the consequences of this unjust act, including many in Russia and Europe. Present tensions are higher than most of us have seen in decades and the world is watching with much angst.
Let me share an important and insightful reminder as these events are unfolding. Human beings have been at war with each other for centuries, dating back to the first murder, when Cain took Abel’s life. Sin is the ugly root of this entire calamity, including what we see today. Indeed, Solomon’s observation rings true today, “There is a time for everything; and a season for every activity under heaven…a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace,” (Ecclesiastes 3:1,8). Like it or not, these are the facts of life.
How can a person have peace in a world that has long been pulled apart by hate and war? Solomon’s summation was life is meaningless without God; all that we accumulate and strive for in this life becomes vain. I concur with his perspective; humanity has continued to remove God from life’s picture, and the negative results are widespread, including a lack of purpose and significance. Here are three foundational truths to contemplate:
One, you can have confidence in the sovereignty of God. A world absent of God’s ultimate control equals only one outcome, complete chaos. Our society has increasingly accepted a belief that life and the world’s existence stems from nothing, occurring over countless years. As Christians, we hold dear to the truth that God created us and this world with a specific purpose, knowing that he has ultimate authority. Jesus has always existed (Colossians 1:15-19), everything is held together by him alone. Daniel recognized God’s sovereignty, “Praise be to the name of God forever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up
others,” (Daniel 2:20-21).
Two, you can trust in the Word of God. The Bible stands out above all other religious writings for several important reasons. We find internal consistency among its 40 writers, 66 books penned in 3 languages over 1500 years. Since when do we find this many perspectives which point to a clear and consistent message about Jesus Christ? Seldom. Historical, geographical, and archeological accuracy, as well as manuscript reliability, are all seen in the Bible. Likewise, the fulfilled prophecies found in the Bible are precise and verifiable. R.C. Sproul said, “The very dimension of the sheer fulfillment of the prophecy of the Old Testament Scriptures should be enough to convince anyone that we are dealing with a supernatural piece of literature.”
Three, we should hold onto earthly things and people loosely. While the world rages let’s strive in loving others. God’s concept of love is far different than what is reflected in the world around us, selfishness rules. On the other hand, agape love is selfless and recognizes this life is short. The love and peace of Christ give us great assurance in fulfilling our daily purpose in a world that is on the brink. We have eternal hope.
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