Sincerely Paul Feeding His Sheep will begin distributing Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) food boxes on May 12, 2022, to anyone who has filled out an application. Along with these boxes, Sincerely Paul will be distributing 20lb. boxes of produce to families who wish to receive them.
Sincerely Paul will also begin helping with the after-school lunch program the Whitehall Community Library is already involved in, as our schools will not be having a lunch program this summer.
Sincerely Paul has several agencies participating; Sincerely Paul Feeding His Sheep is just one of the pantries joining in and hopes to get more residents involved.
Times are hard and gas prices are soaring. As both parents usually have to work, those who depend on school lunches for their children are now able to receive healthy meals at the community library.
Whitehall Community Library assistant Kathleen has been providing snacks for kids coming in after school as well as teaching them to make cookie dough to take home and bake, as well as providing them with extra food for the family.
As school reaches a close in June, these activities will become more and more crowded. We are asking for donations so that our food handlers can put together sandwiches and provide fresh healthy food for our kids.
Donations of canned tuna, canned fruit, and fruit drinks are always desired; and, of course, finances are always needed to buy fresh fruit, bread, fruit drinks, milk, and snacks.
Sincerely Paul can provide tax donation receipts upon request. If you have any questions, please reach out to Vickie Parks at 406-492-5059.
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