The Whitehall Middle School students participated in Montana's Do the Write Thing Challenge in January. This is a violence prevention program that encourages students to write about their experiences with various types of violence and to give ideas of how they can prevent violence in their own communities.
Do the Write Thing is an initiative of the National Campaign to Stop Violence and has received over a million student essays over the last 26 years. Many of these essays have been combined and then published into books about how violence affects the youth in our middle schools.
This year, Whitehall Middle School was one of five schools with a high participation rate and will be given a prize of $1,000. This prize money will be awarded to Mrs. Tara Pino on behalf of the school at the State Celebration hosted by the Montana Board of Crime Control in Helena on May 14.
Gabe Price, a talented Whitehall sixth-grade writer, will also be honored at the Celebration. Price wrote a winning essay and will now go on to the national contest. If he wins, Gabe will be invited to go to Washington, DC for an all-expense-paid trip to meet other essay winners as well as several government officials.
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