Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 4/20/2022

Dear Jo,

This past weekend was Easter. I have always grown up in church. I have friends who are agnostic, Mormon, Pagan - the gamut. I love them all and respect them.

The problem lies in whether or not I can date someone with a different belief system than myself. Not just a different belief system, but one that directly contradicts my basic beliefs. Is it a futile effort to even try?


Praying for Clarity

Dear Praying,

Oooh boy! That, my friend, is a question only you can answer. Just be true to yourself.

Signed, Jo

Dear Jo,

Boy oh boy, did I make a mistake. How I am going to get out of this one, I have no idea. Have you ever said something that you cannot take back? Nothing terrible, or earth-shattering, just a response to a question that I felt was relatively easy.

I was asked a question in a group of people. My answer was honest, and not said with any kind of animosity. However, I think I am in trouble. I did mean the answer the way it was taken, but I feel bad someone’s feelings were hurt. How can I make this right?


Mouth Taped Shut

Dear Mouth,

If you were honest and not being vindictive, I think it is up to the other party to allow you to explain where you are coming from. They asked the question, after all. Let them know you care; after that, the ball is in their court.

Signed, Jo


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