The clothing is in, the poster displays are almost done, and the hard-working teenagers of the Holocaust Project are ready to share a year of learning with the public. Next Thursday, April 28, at 7 PM, the Library will host the Rescuers/Survivors Fair with our teenagers representing a real-life survivor or rescuer from the Holocaust.
Each patron who comes to see this amazing enactment of courage, survival, heartbreak, and selflessness will receive a passport to the past as they visit different centers. Each teen will share the life of a person who either survived the Holocaust from 1933 to1945 or helped to save others, often at the cost of their own lives. It will be a memorable evening and the public is invited to participate on the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.
The Library will be hosting another workshop on Teen Mental Health First Aid on May 6 from 8 AM to 5 PM. This important workshop is free and open to the public who wish to help prevent suicide in our young people, as well as learn the basics of mental health issues. All materials will be provided as well as lunch and snacks. To sign up for the workshop or learn more about it, please contact the Library at 287-3763.
On April 29 the Library will be celebrating Arbor Day with Deanna Mydland and PBSKids. Storytime will be at the usual time of 10:30 AM then there will be special activities beginning at 1 PM. Everyone is welcome to come to join the fun.
History Book Club meets Monday, April 25 at 6:30 PM. This month they are reading books on the Holocaust in support of the Holocaust Project. We will be discussing books to read for the summer; if you would like to join us, just come to a meeting. Books are chosen for the next month on different eras of history and every time period is up for discussion.
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Library will be the starting place for a family scavenger hunt from 9 AM to noon on May 7. Everyone is invited to join the fun and learn about Mental Health issues as well as earn prizes while hunting for clues around town. Participants may start any time after 9 AM at the Library and finish as soon as they can. Clues will all be within walking distance of the Library, so come enjoy a great morning of walking and fun.
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