Skunks are a dime a dozen in Montana. No one wanted to catch them or get near them. That is why you will be able to get a lot of skunk livers! The big question is how to catch the skunk without getting sprayed?
Well, you will always get sprayed but that means you don't have to be around your wife for a couple of days. The two top methods I use are the live trap and the dog method. With the live trap, I put wet cat food in the trap and wait. Normally I catch a couple of cats before I get a skunk. I let the cats go in Whitehall (no cats were harmed in the making of skunk foie gras). When I do trap them, I feed them corn for two weeks to engorge their livers.
With the dog method, I let my dog out at about 11 PM so that she can hopefully run the skunk up a tree. Then I use my shotgun to shoot the skunk. When I do use the dogs, the liver is very small and is not that tasty. Because there is no chance to engorge the liver with corn, you will need more skunks. Alter the recipe accordingly.
How do I remove the skunk smell? I normally go to Wally World and find the cheap tomato juice and a 55-gal drum. I cut the 55-gal drum a long way. Then I pour in the juice and soak in it until I can taste the tomato through my skin. Afterward, I take a shower. Repeat as necessary. This step may vary prep time.
3 skunk livers
fresh sage
55-gal drum
15 gallons of tomato juice (Use less if you're larger than average)
Dog or dogs
Live trap
Wet cat food
¼ cup butter
Pepper and salt
More beer
1. We are going to pan fry the liver. First put butter and the whole livers into the pan. Cook until they get white.
2. Mix some a pinch of pepper and salt with the beer and fresh sage. Then pour over the livers in the pan. The sauce will become caramelized when it is done.
3. Now throw the pan and liver in the neighbor's garbage can (several houses away), because no one eats skunk liver and the pan is ruined forever.
Bon Appetit!
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