Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Council Meeting Gets Heated with Fire Chief

Tensions were high from the beginning of Fire Chief Joe Granvold’s report to the denial of his request for CIP funds at Monday’s March Whitehall Town Council Meeting.

Granvold had requested about $5700 in CIP funds for new turn-outs for the volunteer fire department. When Council chair Roy McBride called in to question his over expenditures of budget, voices rose, with McBride noting that if the Town has to work within their budget, so does the Fire Department. McBride also requested a breakdown of how many of the fires services were rural fire districts and how many were in town, which Granvold was unable to provide at that time.

“Where were you when we needed the public safety mill levy passed? We didn’t hear a word of support from you,” McBride said. “The budget shouldn’t be 50/50 with town and rural.”

When the request failed the Council vote, Granvold said that if the Council wouldn’t support the fire department they would need to find a new fire chief. Granvold then left.

As of deadline Tuesday, Granvold had not clarified to the Ledger whether his words were said out of anguish or an actual resignation. A meeting between the rural fire department for budget fact-finding was to be held Tuesday afternoon with Council members.


• Development applications were approved for Brenda Sue Hartford (addition to existing structure at 8 East Viella), and Brad and Patricia Dana (new structure at 201 S. Main).

• Business licenses were approved for Domnitz Ornamental (customized plaster furnishings) and Cafe 1889 (restaurant).

• Council agreed on extending the sewer line from A street across Legion Ave, as well as extending the water main under Legion to the water treatment plant site.

• Council approved a public utility easement for Town Pump as well as vacating a portion of Pyfer Street for the new Town Pump building.


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