Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana
Dear Jo,
My husband, who is in his 60s, wears a baseball cap all day, every day, to hide a bald spot on the back of his head. He has worn that same dirty cap for two years and even wears it to work. He wears it in the house and only removes it when he is sleeping. I have suggested he wash it or replace it, but he refuses and he makes a tsk-tsk noise when I tell him I don’t think it’s healthy to wear something filthy on your head for two years.
Disgusted with the Dingy Hat
Dear Disgusted,
Well, I see two options. First, you can do a nighttime ninja intervention. Burn that thing and replace it with a new cap. Yes, your husband will do more than tsk-tsk for a bit, but he will use the new cap. Second, convince the love of your life that you are in love with the bald spot on the back of his head and want to be able to see it and give it a kiss whenever you want. Good luck!
Signed, Jo
Dear Jo,
I had a heated argument with a friend recently. It was about cow farts, if you can believe that. Her husband and she are convinced that the global warming is directly affected by cow farts. Really?! When thousands of people ride on planes, in cars, on busses passing factories that produce all kinds of emmitions, cows are the problem?! I was flabbergasted that someone could actually think that. I don’t want to respond with anger or frustration, but holy narrow mind!
Feeling Bad for Cows
Dear Feeling Bad,
There will always be someone who complains, sees the bad or the negative. It is amazing people can get along at all with all the different information out there. My guess is that they did not grow up in an area that cows are raised.
That being said, ask her if she eats burgers? Maybe a great steak? How about drinking milk? Does she go to her local greenouse and pick up fertilizer? I would be more concerned about human farts, there are way more of us and our diets are generally not great.
Signed, Jo
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