People only made such a big deal about 2/22/2022 because they’re salty that they won’t be alive for 2/22/2222.
You can be a full-grown adult but people will still think you peed your pants if there is a wet stain on them.
The people that hate their alarm the most usually choose to hear it multiple times each morning.
Everyone thought it was touching and heartbreaking when E.T. tried to contact his relatives. But no one thinks the same when their dog tries to do the same at 3 AM.
The guy in Blues Clues was paid to dance and sing and talk to himself alone on a green screen.
The Ukraine conflict will be the most well-documented and recorded conflict in all of history.
Peace is only really valued when it’s gone.
Leather shoes have done more walking than the animal they came from.
Future generations are probably less likely to start wars because of the global village that social media has created.
The difference between having a long day at work and a short day is about 90 minutes.
People born completely normal are told they’re special when they’re young, but people born with rare or debilitating conditions are told they’re normal.
Companies that claim to pay competitive wages are competing for the bottom.
If you lay your book open on the ground to save your page, you are using the entire Earth as a bookmark.
There is a fine line between archaeology and grave robbery.
If you’re 30 and lie about being 20, people will think you look like trash. But if you lie about being 40, people will think you look great for your age.
The times before glasses were made are probably why so many myths came to be because they couldn’t see as well, it looked like something
completely different.
It is disappointing when you click on a profile labeled as not safe for work and there’s no content that warrants such a label.
Nowadays, running out of news is more breaking news than actual breaking news.
Coffee stains your teeth brown, but milk doesn’t stain them white.
Before sushi is sliced it’s a seaweed burrito.
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