Dear Jo,
Have you ever met someone, liked them immediately only to find out they really don’t like you, which hurts your feelings? I know, I know, leave it be. Walk away. Why does it matter?
Well, I am sometimes too sensitive of a person. How do I come to terms that not everyone has to like me? I have always felt like this, hurt if someone does not like or agree with me. Help!
Cares Too Much
Dear Cares,
I can relate, but LET THAT $#%& GO!!! There is nothing to be gained by letting how others feel about you determine how you feel about yourself. Vent to a journal. Express your feelings on paper. Either that, or give that jerk a wedgy, or a swirly: your choice!
Signed, Jo
Dear Jo,
I think my butt is big. Big butts are all the rage: I get this. But still, I would like to take a few inches off my hindquarters. Do I embrace my hiney, or get surgery to trim down my rump roast? Any thoughts?
Plump in the Rump
Dear Plump,
Girl, embrace your backside or get that thing moving and get rid of it the healthy way. NO surgeries or shortcuts.
Signed, Jo
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