Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Rebuttal to Op-Ed in 2/23/22

Dear Editor,

This is an all too short rebuttal to Democratic Chairman Robyn Driscoll’s OP-ED in the February 23, 2022 edition of the Ledger.

Republicans are not the only political party talented in speaking out of both sides of their mouths. One of the oldest and best ploys straight from the Democrat party playbook is “accuse the accuser.” It is laughable and sad that challenging issues we find ourselves currently dealing with can be so manipulated. Such as the debt our friends on both sides of the aisle have created in making us a debtor nation. Remember, 50% of Americans DON’T pay taxes and I DON’T mean the rich. This leaves folks like you and me, hard-working, tax-paying people who have trusted that our elected officials have had our best interest at heart have spent us into at least $30,000,000,000,000.00 (that’s what thirty trillion looks like) into oblivion leaving taxpayers on the hook. At a time when ideas and dialogue are truly needed it’s the same old propaganda from those who are actively dividing us with wanting to take away our God-given and Constitutional right to defend ourselves from them and any other government wanting to invade our borders. Do you really think it’s the strength of our military that stops even China from invading us, NO! It’s the millions of both military and citizens who will do their best to protect ALL of us if it’s ever needed. Another is teaching and promoting “Critical Race Theory” to our children (grade school on up) and condemning racism all the while promoting it. Once again crying that the “other side” will dirty the water and foul the environment, kill off old people, collude with the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and even the Martians... bull, remember “accuse the accuser.”

Speaking of environmental damage, have you seen the pictures of the southern border and the damage occurring with the current regime's open border policy? You won’t because a complicit media wants your attention elsewhere like voters right, “all votes count”, sure they do and several times over for some. Joe Biden himself has embraced the idea of “packing” the Supreme Court so he and the Democrat Party can have a greater chance of making the Constitution work for them. By the way, have you noticed how the Dems only love our founding documents when they can use them to beat the rest of us up? Remember that there are more lawyers and millionaires in the Democratic Party than the Republicans. Anybody can use sound bites, quotes out of context to make their point like “we won’t know what’s in the bill until we pass it”, OMG, or “I have a plan to defeat Covid-19, vote for me”, or the best one ever in response to why a rescue mission to save our ambassador and others in Libya lacked an immediate response “at this point senator what does it matter”? There are so many issues that could be mentioned that I could go on and on. I am no one in the grand scheme of things, although my thoughts are my own just like my opinions. If you read this and agree, great. If you read this and don’t, great. This is America where we still have the right to say what we want and believe what we want to, isn’t it?

So these are my thoughts, one last thing though. Why does it seem that Democrats incumbents move to the center-right during elections years and once re-elected they vote with the radical left instead of the down-to-earth everyday people who put them in office?

Ron Jung

Whitehall, Montana


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