Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

MT Dept of Revenue: Keep Your Address Current

The Montana Department of Revenue has an important message to income tax filers: Keep your mailing address current with the department.

This is especially true for anyone filing a Montana income tax return for the first time. That’s because the department sends refunds to first-time filers only as paper checks – not by direct deposit – due to our security measures to combat fraud. And, the Post Office will not forward your refund check to your new address.

That means that if the department has an incorrect address, your refund could be delayed.

Other taxpayers who change their address should also keep the department updated, because the department may attempt to contact you by mail if there are questions about your filing.

Changing your address with the Montana Department of Revenue is easy. You can download a change-of-address form at or request one from our Call Center at (406) 444-6900.

Montanans who haven’t filed state returns in three years or more will also receive any refund on a paper check.

Remember, it could take up to 90 days to receive your refund. You can check the status of yours in our TransAction Portal at


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