Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Thankful

Dear Editor,

I am thankful the sun rises and sets every day!

I am thankful I have perfect water to drink that gives my body life, that gives all living things life!

I am thankful I have air to breathe that provides oxygen for all life systems!

I am thankful I can grow food from seeds in rich soil.

I am thankful I was allowed the gifts of jobs so I could buy a car that others assembled and drive on a highway that others constructed with some of my working tax money because of decisions my politicians and community put together for all of us.

I am thankful I can drive to a grocery store where others organize ‘supply and demand’ needs for big populations, a place where I can buy food from farmers, ranchers, cheesemakers, bakers, and creative chefs!

I am thankful I was born in a country that provided free public education for me, free libraries, city parks, county parks, state parks, national parks, public lands; mobility through the entire nation, a country that gave me a voice in all levels of elections, in all levels of government and expects me to take responsibility in maintaining healthy growth into just systems!

I am thankful for research scientists and scholars who were curious enough to focus their time and energy on the understanding of the Nanoworld, life systems world, and the cosmic world. Those who shared their wisdom to help better our lives!

I am thankful for compassionate and empathic people who care for themselves at the same time they are caring for others!!! These are people who hold all of us together even when we are adrift or conflicted.

I am thankful for those who believe in justice for all and order their lives around that principle!

I am thankful for a democracy that is structured to be always striving to be a better government, a just government of the people, by the people, and for the people, a democracy I believe I have been living in my entire life!

I am thankful for responsible caring people whether they are Independents, Republicans, Libertarians or Democrats who understand their elected representatives must look out for all people and now for all life systems as they try to better our society, our government through their beliefs, decisions, and processes about governance!

I am thankful that we are wakened to our responsibilities to each other, our responsibilities to the earth which sustains all of life, our responsibilities to future generations, and our responsibilities because we are interconnected!

I am thankful violence did not win in the Capitol!

Dee Anna

Boulder, Montana


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