Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 2/23/2022

With all of the physical illnesses going on currently, it is difficult for people to take the time to do a mental health check on themselves and others. Financial worries, winter storms, illness, isolation, anxiety, and other things just seem to be piling up on people all over the country. To help combat these conditions and give our patrons the tools to deal with the stress of modern-day life, the Library is hosting the second mental health workshop in March.

The Library will be hosting a special session of Youth Mental Health First Aid on March 19th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The trainers from Helena will be here to help anyone who works with youth or young people to understand mental health issues specific to young people and how to help. The program is free and open to the public. We ask that anyone interested in attending call or drop by the Library so that we have an accurate count for supplies. The Library's number is 287-3763. This training is part of a series of mental health first aid programs, and we will be planning other events along the same line in the future. Montana has one of the highest suicide rates in the country. Prevention is the key to identifying teens in trouble and connecting them with resources to help.

Speaking of a great way to lift the spirits of our littlest readers, Story Time is happening every Friday at 10:30 p.m. We love to have Deanna Mydland from PBS share her multiple experiments and activities, Karen Burtch leading musical sessions, crafts and stories from the staff, and special events throughout the month. If you have little ones from birth to kindergarten, come join the fun and meet new friends for you and your children.

History Book Club meets on February 28th at 6:00 p.m. This month we are exploring the Civil War. Members are reading any fiction, non-fiction, biography, or diary which looks at the bloodiest war in American History. If you would like to come and hear about all of the different accounts everyone is reading, please feel free to join at any time. Each month the group discusses the time period to read about during the next month as well as discuss new history works coming out in the future.


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