Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Whitehall Garden Club: Happy New Year!

What? A little late, you say?? WGC spends January in committee meetings designing their upcoming year. In February we gather to present the programs, events, and budget to the whole club and what a "NEW YEAR" is planned! We started right away with our February 9th meeting. Karen Ranta and Janet Finney "put on the Ritz" brunch with delicious ham and cheese sliders, creamy yogurt parfaits, fresh-baked banana bread, and "melt in your mouth" sugar cookies (heart-shaped of's February, heart health month, Valentine's Day and we just LOVE starting our NEW YEAR!!) And if that wasn't enough to make you want to be a gardener for life, Glenna Waltee gave a "Fast 5 Minute" presentation on how to bring fresh flowers/greens into your home in a simple way using just a few needed "tools" such as green tape and wet foam and just about any container (Glenna used a beautiful candle holder base). Glenna's design used red roses and eucalyptus greens creating such elegance in 5 (ok maybe 7) minutes!

The business part of the WGC meeting was called to order by President John Carlson, with VP Jayne Dean, Secretary Marilyn Craft, and returning Treasurer Barb Willis all present as a "New Year" of officers, too!

The first "New Year" program presenter was Whitehall resident and explorer extraordinaire Vaia Erret representing the Jefferson Co. Recreation Board Parks and Trails giving an interesting presentation explaining what this Board is accomplishing. One of the "jobs" of the Board is to advise the County Commissioner on ways to utilize in a fair and equitable way public land including recreation, all trails, non-motorized and motorized vehicles to encourage people to get outside and enjoy the beauty of Montana. With that enthusiasm for Mother Nature, Vaia also noted concerns for the overuse of areas without regulations and signage in place whether it be public, BLM, or Forest Service land. Vaia shared recent publications "Boulder MT Trails Guide," "Jefferson County; Lessons from Geography and History" and "Discover Adventure: Explore Jefferson Co. Multiple Use Trails" letting us know they are available. Thank you Vaia for your passion, helping Montana's great outdoors to remain just that...GREAT!


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