Lauren Demby has lived in Montana for less than three years, but upon entering her art studio and store, Montana's influence is everywhere.
From her nature photography of landscapes and wildlife to her gemstone enhanced jewelry, and shelves lined with rock formations, with probably 10 other art forms in between, here in Montana Lauren has found her physical and spiritual home.
Lauren's nature photography began while she lived in Florida, where she'd visit different places and be inspired by what she saw, increasing as she ventured further west, where the scenery, sunsets, and wildlife sparked her artistic interest.
"I arrived in Montana at the end of June 2019, now I'm trying to capture more of the wildlife around here, the bears, wolves, pronghorn, and sandhill cranes," she said. "I'm trying to get much more of a feel for that."
In her art studio, her images are displayed as matted photographs in all sizes, note cards, magnets, and large mugs adorned with 360-degree scenes of nature and wildlife.
A home with the view of mountains was a must in Lauren's property search and the site of her home now gives her mountains, rocks, and stones in every direction, materials she came to appreciate more and more and led to her use of gemstones in her jewelry. When the pandemic hit, Lauren set aside photography temporarily and her concentration drifted to what else she could do that she'd also love.
Jewelry fills that need and her inventory includes around eight different kinds of bracelets, from simple tie-on cord bracelets, dangles, and cuff bracelets to elasticized strings of stones. Add different types of earrings, necklaces, sterling silver adjustable rings with different gemstones, headbands, hatbands, hair sticks, bookmarks, and the very popular sun catchers, and it becomes clear that Lauren Demby's art studio has something for everyone.
"I like to use charms as decoration and embellishment in my jewelry; both gemstones and metals shapes," Demby said. "I use many that are tied to the area, including bears, wolves and cranes, and different themes like western, rancher, farmer, guns, deer, cattle and bull heads."
Along with using local gemstones, Demby also imports from around the world, wanting the opportunity to show people gemstones they might not otherwise see, such as stones from Madagascar and Russia. She becomes completely immersed, learning their names, nicknames, and the energies they contain and give off to help in certain situations and times. She enjoys researching specific gemstones and matching them to an individual.
"Sometimes people come and hold a gemstone in their hands and what they leave with is totally different from what they initially were looking for," she said. "A lot of people use the phrase it spoke to me."
Amethyst is one of her most-requested stones and Lauren carries it in many different forms and colors, from almost white, pink, red and very dark purple to black, the colors dependent on the many different regions of the world each originate from, and each one carries a slightly different significance.
Also popular are clear and rose quartz and green malachite from Madagascar. Auralite 23 is formed from 23 different gems mixed together and only found in one place in the world, while moldavite was formed where a meteor hit. With Lauren, each gemstone contains a learning experience.
In her studio, she also displays rock spheres, sold on different types of stands, raw rock as found in nature, towers, and formations carved into shapes.
Running a home-based business suits Lauren and keeps her productive, allowing her to work safely and comfortably from her home, anytime day or night, always surrounded by her mountains. She can carry her "art" tray anywhere in the house, even while watching television with her husband Craig.
Lauren invites people to follow and work with her via Facebook or text and is happy to fill special orders and ship anywhere. She's also a regular vendor at the Whitehall Farmers Market.
Though a recent Montana resident, she credits this area with providing what she needs to continue to create, being happiest when new ideas come to her.
"There was something about Montana that took me heart and soul and it's my place now," she said. "It's the first place I've lived that just isn't a house, it's my home and where I belong."
Photography and jewelry intermingle as her creative outlets. Though her major source of business is her jewelry, photography remains important to her, it gets her going, inspires her and she describes it as her window to the world. Equally important are her ties with her community and encouraging repeat client connections.
"People often comment on my pricing, which is reasonable. I'm not going to make money and wipe out a person's budget on one or two items," Demby said. "I want people to come back to me again and again and I want a following so I give them the best deal possible."
For more information: 561-602-7278,,,,
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