Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Cousin Cleavon's Dynamite Trout Fillet

Before even getting the trout, you need to get your explosive license. It is hard to do, just like getting the cops off your back for the moonshine you have been making, but you need it to buy dynamite. First thing is going through background checks, which you know uncle Bob would not pass in a thousand years. Lying a lot will improve your chances. Then to take a class that anyone can pass with one eye closed. After all that, you need to find a provider of dynamite that will kill fish and not destroy the boat you are in. This detail may require experimentation and/or further training beyond the class, so buy lots of dynamite. May require one or more replacement boats.

Now here comes the fun part, how to dynamite fish. First thing, DO NOT use dynamite when ice fishing, because you will get colder than your mother-in-law's heart. Dynamite fishing is best done in the late summer because you can get the local kids to swim into the water to pick up the fish. Also, it's best to do it at 8 AM or 5 PM, when game wardens and other officers are changing shifts. Post lookout just in case. Bring lots of beer.

First, clear the water of any kids or dogs, then tell your wife-mate to hold your beer as you light the stick of dynamite and throw it into the water. Remember to throw the stick far from the boat or bye-bye boat. After the dynamite goes off it is time to collect the fish. Do remember sometimes there will not be whole fish just parts and pieces.


Clean the fish any way you want but do keep your fish heads for attracting bobcats (next week's recipe, if I'm not in jail again).

1. Gut and fillet the trout.

2. In a small pan add the butter salt pepper, lemon, and fillet. Cook until fillet is golden brown

3. Then throw those wild asparagus right into the trash because we are not hippies from the city.

4. Drink beer with trout, family, and friends.

Bon Appetit!

Want more from Cousin Cleavon? Let us know at P.S....these recipes aren't verified - but let us know if you give them a try!


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