Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 1/12/2022

Dear Jo,

All the New Year resolutions are everywhere! Every time I turn around I see another message meant to inspire, enlighten or encourage me.

Am I the only one who is already sick of the unasked for advice?! I feel like screaming when I see “drink more water.” Seriously, is it not a basic human instinct to drink water? We need it to survive after all!

Here’s another one…. ”go to bed early and wake early”….said no fun person ever!

“Move more, sit less.” Dear Lord, I have been hearing that since I tried to fit into my sister's prom dress at 14!

Ugh, how do I avoid all the unwanted advice and just get on with the task of living?!


No Need for Improvement

Dear No Need,

Ignore or join a convent for the foreseeable future! Good luck.

Signed, Jo

Dear Jo,

I would like to tell you your fortune for the new year! I predict you will find yourself with amazing insight into others, use your humor to make people laugh, and draw knowledge for those you work for.

Signed, A Believer

Dear Believer,

Why thank you very much! I hope the same for you!

Signed, Jo


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