Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 1/5/2022

Dear Jo,

Happy New Year! I wish I could say that I had a lot of hope for the new year. I am bummed already. I cannot seem to get my act together. What really does this year have to offer me?! I have not had any luck in so many years, I just don’t even hope for it anymore. I have a home, food, family, it just is not enough.

Signed, Bored and Bummed

Dear Bored and Bummed,

What does the new year hold for you? Three-hundred and sixty-five opportunities to quit feeling sorry for yourself, get off your ass, and make a life!

Signed, Jo

Dear Jo,

I feel like I am THAT person. You know, the one who is always picking up the pieces for other people, family, friends, you get it. Why is it one person does so much? Why can’t people take care of their own $#!&? I feel like I am wading through other people's crap every day and not getting to pay the kind of attention to my own crap that is needed. Help!


Boots on, but tired of wading

Dear Boots,

Step high, my girl. The only person who can stop taking care of other people's crap is you! Unless you change, they don’t have to. A wise recovering drug addict once told me, “if nothing changes, nothing changes!” Quit it!

Signed, Jo


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