Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 12/22/2021

The Grinch changed as soon as he stopped listening to the Narrator tell him what a horrible person he was.

The fact that Oreos are vegan is proof that a Vegan diet is not necessarily a healthy diet.

If you listen to the Grinch song, you realize it’s just a huge diss track on the Grinch. And the Who’s get real creative with the insults; no wonder the Grinch hates Christmas.

Being born increases your chance of death by one hundred percent.

Banjos are guitars with southern accents.

Both main characters of Veggie Tales aren’t even vegetables...they’re fruits.

If someone is demanding respect instead of earning it, what they actually want is to be feared, not respected.

Some people complain so much about others being toxic that they become toxic themselves.

If sunlight takes 8 minutes to reach earth, then the sun’s position is always wrong.

Adults think it’s disrespectful when children don’t let themselves be disrespected.

Winter is the coldness of space creeping in.

There is no evidence saying we aren’t living in purgatory or the afterlife.

If a man seduces multiple women, he’s a lady’s man, but if a man seduces multiple men, he isn’t a man’

People born in October, November, and December are the only people conceived the same year they were born.

One of the most uncomfortable feelings is when the sleeve of your sweater rolls up while putting a jacket on.

People are controlled by the things they are not allowed to criticize.

The job of an actor is to pretend they are not an actor.

A job interview is more than an interview; it’s a negotiation.

Shaving foam is the only product where if you take half as much as you think you need, you will still end up with twice as much as you need.

Someone’s normal is someone else’s unusual. So normal doesn’t exist.

Somewhere out there is an endlessly regifted gift card that will never be spent.

Cats probably smell like dry cat saliva.


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