Dear Jo,
I was in a relationship for five months; we broke up in September. Recently he came over with a box of gifts for my birthday and Christmas. I really appreciate the gesture, but it also makes me a little uncomfortable. I feel like I should buy him a gift, but I don’t want to encourage something I cannot reciprocate. What do you think I should do?
Grateful, But Unsure Ex
Dear Unsure Ex,
I am assuming you are both adults. That being the case, he decided to purchase gifts. It is not your responsibility to “make things equal” or try to feel something you don’t. Just say thank you and enjoy the fact that someone thought enough of you to bring you presents. Open and enjoy!
Signed, Jo
Dear Jo,
My boyfriend is so handsome, like amazingly handsome. Everywhere we go, women are jealous. He has one major flaw. He wears his pants so far down his butt, about four inches of designer underwear show. UGH! He loves showing off funny patterned underwear. Why?! How do I tell him it is so embarrassing for me? My parents hate it; they avoid asking him to dinner anywhere public because of this. What can I do? Please help!
Signed, No Underwear Peeking Needed
Dear No Peeking,
What an unforgiving situation. Tell him you are jealous of people seeing his remarkable underwear, and they should be saved for just you. Tell him his butt is so cute you want to see him in snug jeans. You get the point. Hopefully, he will too!
Signed, Jo
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