Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Chamber Corner: How to Get More Involved

The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting Thursday, December 9, 2021, at Borden’s conference room. New officers and board members were elected, while several vacated their positions with much respect and gratitude.

Chamber President Alison Richardson relinquished her position to incoming President Pamela Polachi from Settings by All Things Montana. Polachi moved up from the Vice President seat, which will now be filled by Elizabeth Pullman of the Whitehall Ledger. Lorie Steerman will remain as Chamber Treasurer.

New Chamber board members include Laurie Perry, of the Cardwell General Store, on a three-year term; Carey Burnside, of Arctic Heat, on a three-year term; and Chiara Schober on a one-year term. Dana Brunet’s one-year term as a board member has expired; there were two empty board member positions as well, which are now filled.

The Chamber was in full planning mode with the weekend’s annual Christmas Stroll, which was chaired by Lorie Steerman and Rhea Armstrong. The weekend was slated to include the vendor market in the Community Center, Parade of Lights, gingerbread competition, and more.

The Whitehall Chamber will begin working on the 2022 phone book at the beginning of the new year, with completion by early March expected. The Chamber realizes that there were mistakes in the 2021 phone book and hopes to correct as many of these errors as possible.

If you are aware of an error, a no longer active phone number, or someone who has since passed, please EMAIL the Chamber at and let the Chamber know how to correct the issue. Please do not call the Chamber, as keeping track of changes via email will help the Chamber keep a paper trail of corrections.

The Chamber and the Whitehall Ledger will have phone book ads and listing correction forms available at both locations. If you do not have access to email, please utilize one of these forms to make changes.

Volunteers from the Chamber will be making phone calls to listings in order to ensure correct information in early 2022.


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