Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 12/8/2021

Someone’s mom has probably used you as a bad example to their kid.

Even the most literate beings can’t describe a color.

One reason why parents try to achieve their own dreams through their children is that they gave up on their own dreams trying to raise the child.

Millions of people wake up at the exact same second from using their cell phone as an alarm clock.

The human population is so large that no matter what casual hobby you have, there is likely someone who is an expert at it.

Gen Z might be the last generation to learn about WWII while there are WWII veterans alive.

The Simpsons didn’t predict the future, it’s just that we are ruining our future so much that it seems like a satire cartoon.

Christmas is the only birthday when the focus is not on the person who was born.

It isn’t a compliment to ask someone if they fell from Heaven, because so did Satan.

It’s much more acceptable to hate all the people based on them being human than to hate a certain group of people based on their traits.

Everyone argues about pizza toppings but it’s the quality of the dough, cheese, and sauce that makes the pizza good or not.

Christmas is probably the most successful marketing campaign.

The fastest way out of any escape room is to just keep breaking stuff on purpose until they kick you out.

Humans figured out how to get to the moon before they figured out how to make flat TVs.

A guy walking around with one crowbar is more suspicious than a guy walking around with three crowbars.

Solitary confinement is weaponized boredom.

We hate it when our alarm clock goes off, but we also hate it when it doesn’t.

You can always see your nose, but your brain has the ability to ignore it.

If all the faces in your dreams are faces you’ve seen before, then it’s more than likely that some complete strangers have dreamt of you.

In a universe ruled by cartoon physics, years of natural selection would favor animals who never gain awareness of whether there is ground below them.


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