Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Clean Up After Yourselves!

Dear Editor,

We’ve lived in Whitehall for over 17 years. It has been a sweet little town to raise our girls in! People caring about one another, neighbors watching out for neighbors, very few litterbugs or people breaking the law.

However, it saddens my heart to see, these last few weeks, the amount of garbage thrown on the side of the road. And this isn’t just outside of town, but right on Legion Avenue. This is a blatant disrespect to our community.

Along the same lines, the illegal use of garbage dumpsters that don’t belong to the dumpee. If you don’t pay for the garbage can, go to the dump! Those of us who have the huge dumpsters in our business alleyways pay for those. Everyone needs to be a little more respectful; don’t empty your personal or work garbage into someone else’s dumpster! Go to the dump and don’t utilize dumpsters paid for by businesses and residents of this community!

Thank you,

Dana Brunet

Whitehall, Montana


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