We have collectively accepted the standard of tying shoelaces, while there are so many other different ways to tie.
If Apple and Android ever come together to have the same charger, the world will know peace.
Sneezing while driving is honestly a near death experience.
Ukulele songs sound either too happy or too depressed.
The main qualifier for something to be be used as a base for a musical: it needs to be something that does not look like you can make a musical out of it.
The different blood types probably have different tastes and probably vampires/mosquitoes/some crazy people would know for sure.
Bottled water companies don’t produce water, they produce plastic bottles.
Sometimes the loudest cries for help are those made when no one else is around.
Our clocks have gone from in our pocket (pocketwatch), on our wrist (wristwatch), back into our pocket (cell phones), and back onto our wrist (smart watch).
At some age we all just forget armpit farts still exist.
Aging backwards like in Benjamin Button would result in the same end of life problems: impotence, incontinence, emotional regulation, and memory loss.
Boundaries are important in a healthy relationship for the same reasons that good fences make good neighbors.
There’s a chance that you might have a phobia of something, but you haven’t done/met that thing yet, so you don’t know about your phobia.
There is a distinct possibility that dinosaurs were intelligent creatures, yet all evidence of their civilization has been wiped out from different
geological processes.
Narcissists probably love that they got their own descriptive word.
Restaurant owners must like people who eat a lot. Buffet owners must hate them.
Your second kid will initially seem dumber because you’re used to the older one.
The reason why we’ll repeatedly go to and open the fridge looking for food likely comes from a habit formed as kids when our parents would restock it without us realizing it, ingraining in our subconscious the idea of food magically appearing in the fridge between one trip and the next.
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