Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: COVID Vaccines and the Truth

Dear Editor,

We were saddened to see the article on the front page of your November 10th issue parroting, without question, government and pharmaceutical industry talking points regarding the safety, efficacy, and necessity of COVID vaccines for children. What we see in this article is a great deal of both questionable information and unwarranted certainty. The article presents statements of alleged fact which do not align with our own five years of research into vaccines, or with the statements of hundreds of thousands of respected scientists, medical professionals, statisticians, analysts, and institutions from around the world who have put their careers at risk by openly opposing the official narrative.

While we understand that people must be allowed to make their own decisions in this matter, we find we cannot simply let these statements stand without voicing our opposition. We see an abundance of solid and independently-funded science and analysis which calls to question these assurances of safety, efficacy, and necessity, much of it published in respected journals and admitted to openly by the CDC or other health regulatory agencies. Sadly, almost none of the information which doubts the government/corporate narrative makes it into the pharma-funded mainstream media, and is instead dismissed, ignored, or actively censored. It’s as if science, hijacked by moneyed interests, has become a matter of consensus, belief, or authority, rather than a matter of fierce and open doubt, questioning, debate, argument, testing, and attempts to replicate or refute. The mainstream vaccine “safe and effective” slogan rests on the story that governments and corporations have our best interests at heart. As one friend said recently, “You can either understand history, or you can blindly trust your government. You cannot do both.”

How low have we sunk as a people, that we, by knowingly injecting poorly tested substances into their arms, are willing to put at risk the health of our children in order to possibly protect adults?

Timothy Bennett, B.S. Anthropology

Sally Erickson: M.Ed. in Child Development and Family Relations

Whitehall, Montana


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