Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

5 Reasons to Celebrate the Holidays Year Round

While everyone knows my passion for Halloween, some might be surprised that I adore Christmas as well. I love Christmas cookies, singing carols, lying under the Christmas tree and looking up into the lights, and finding the perfect present for my loved ones. I may think that our stores start pushing Christmas a bit too early (come on, before Halloween is here?!) However, I definitely could get behind celebrating year round because of the following:

1. Holiday music is so happy and cheerful! Jingle Bells gets stuck in my head in the middle of July sometimes. As long as the songs aren’t too repetitive, they make me smile!

2. People tend to be more charitable during this time of year. Giving Trees, Friendsgiving, Secret Santa - it seems people want to give more than usual this time of year, especially to those in true need.

3. We branch out from our normal eating and indulge in a few seasonal treats! My mom’s Italian wine cookies, Cherry Dream Squares, Magic Cookie Bars...these are all things I only eat this time of year!

4. We eat with our families and friends more often. My family doesn’t do this enough on a normal basis - during the holidays it is a MUST.

5. We remember the things we are thankful for. Enough said - we have SO MUCH to be thankful for.


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