Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Election Laws vs Jim Crowe Laws

Dear Editor,

In last week’s paper, I read with sadness a letter to the editor comparing election laws to Jim Crowe laws. I say sadness because this person has absolutely no idea what the Jim Crowe laws were. She was just parroting a political talking point. A talking point that is a lie and meant to do nothing more than divide the citizens of this country.

Montana election laws, new and old, do nothing to stop anybody from voting. Need an ID? You can not do anything without an ID; voting should be the one thing that you have to prove who you are. What is an ID?

A “Montana driver’s license, Montana state identification card issued pursuant to 61-12-501, military identification card, tribal photo identification card., United States passport, or Montana concealed carry permit.”

A “current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other government document that shows the elector’s name and current address” and “photo identification that shows the elector’s name, including but not limited to a school district or postsecondary education photo identification.”

What about same day registration? We have voted on the same day (first Tuesday after the first Monday) for well over a hundred years. You can’t help avoid adding to the confusion by registering by noon the day before? Take a course in time management.

All voters are eligible to vote absentee. No excuse needed. To vote absentee, an absentee ballot application must be received by county election officials by noon the day prior to the election. A returned absentee ballot must be postmarked on or before Election Day in order to be counted.

As of April 2021, A felon that has served his time is eligible to vote in Montana. As of April 2021, campaign contributions can be used to pay for childcare while campaigning.

There have been a few changes to our election laws, but nothing “Jim Crowe”.

Like the State of Georgia, our laws are more inclusive than some ‘blue’ states. Like Connecticut.

Nothing too tough. Certainly not Jim Crowe. Stop dividing our nation with false claims. Do not be a Republican. Do not be a Democrat. Be an American.

Jim Buterbaugh

Whitehall, Montana


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