Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 11/3/2021

After months of practice, the 2nd and 3rd graders from the 21st Century program are ready to perform their stories for Reader’s Theater. This program will be held at the library on November 4th at 3:45PM, and is open to everyone. The students have been working with library staff to make masks, learn their lines, and practicing their reading to create this terrific show! Please come join us as they share their hard work with everyone.

The library will begin open craft classes on November 9th as we finish up with the afterschool program. These classes will function more like maker space times where children of all ages may come and enjoy making a craft kit or just being creative with materials provided. There is no cost and the program is open to all ages.

The library will be closed on November 11th for Veterans Day. We will be open the rest of the week for our normal schedule. We will be closed for Thanksgiving on November 25th and 26th, then be open for the rest of the week at regular times.

We will be hosting Deanna Mydland from PBS on November 12th Storytime. She will be bringing all her great center activities for preschoolers to experiment with. Storytime begins at 9:30 a.m. and is open to all.

Our Holocaust Project will be meeting on Wednesdays, November 10th. The Committee Chairs will meet at 5:00 p.m. We will have a special guest speaker at 6:00 p.m. about his family’s experiences during that time. This program is open to the public but may contain content which may not be appropriate for younger children.

The Library has been given a good number of coats to give away at the Christmas Stroll but if you have a child in need of a warm winter coat, please stop by now and we should have one that works. The weather has certainly gotten colder, and we don’t want any child to endure the cold mornings.

Don’t forget to set your clocks back this weekend. Daylight savings time ends on Sunday, November 7th, so we will all get to sleep in next Monday.

New books are arriving daily. As it gets closer to Christmas the winter blockbusters will be coming in, just in time for the break. We have new movies, TV series, and of course lots of new books. If you have a book you would like to see added to the collection, please let us know.

November calendars are now out, so stop by and pick one up to catch up on your favorite programs.


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